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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Pediforte® is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commissions with registration number 1698162.
No, our classes are (offline) held in-person
No, our online class is currently under development.
109, Okebadan Estate Akala Way, Akobo, Ibadan Oyo State.
Weekdays, special classes held on Saturdays
Yes. We have creative design and product courses
Yes they are.
Air conditioned classes, free wifi access, adequate power supply, calm and secure environment, work stations, mentorship program and lots more.
No we don't but we can recommend a third-party laptop dealer
Yes, we partner with entrepreneurs and we help students set up their portfolios and apply for jobs both home and abroad.
All age groups from 8 years above.
Yes, have a special discount for IT/SIWES students.
Monday - Friday. 10am - 4pm